Marco Plankensteiner co-authored an EU Law Alert dated July 2013 commenting the new rules on damage claims by victims of EU antitrust infringements published by the European Commission on the 11th of June 2013 and aiming at harmonizing the legal framework of private enforcement in the European Union. With respect to damage claims, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a Directive aimed at facilitating damage actions before national courts. This proposal is completed by a Communication on quantifying harm accompanied by a Practical Guide offering an overview of the main methods and techniques available to quantify harm in practice. The European Commission also adopted a Recommendation on common principles for collective redress mechanism that Member States are incited to implement in national laws.

They handle the following topics:
- Harmonizing rules for damage claims by victims of antitrust violations in Europe
- Guidance on quantifying antitrust harm
- Recommended principles on collective redress