Kramer Levin is a sponsor of the 2017 French-American Luxury Symposium: Paris & New York Luxury Capitals, being held May 5, 2017 in Paris. The conference will focus on a forward-looking perspective on the luxury industry, in Paris and New York, at a time when digital is transforming the traditional business model.

The morning discussion will including:

  • The Luxury Retail Map: Paris & New York
  • Leveraging Technology to Address New Challenges
  • Social Media and New Technologies: Impact on Organizational Structures and the Talents of Tomorrow
  • Looking Ahead: What Markets and for Which Consumers?

The afternoon session offers an opportunity for participants to meet with Paris partners Dana Anagnostou, Fabienne Arrighi and Marco Plankensteiner, Intellectual Property partner Erica Klein and other French-American experts to assist with their transatlantic development.