The Women’s Initiative Committee of Kramer Levin is committed to creating and maintaining an environment where the firm’s women can flourish and become leaders in the legal community, both inside and outside the firm. The Women’s Initiative Committee, an energetic and active group comprising both men and women, addresses issues of importance to women at the firm, including improving the recruitment, retention and advancement of female lawyers, and increasing the representation of women in leadership roles. Business development and networking are key components of the committee’s efforts, and the firm consistently facilitates opportunities for women to create business connections and develop their practices. 

Building a Brand. On Oct. 1, the Women’s Initiative Committee sponsored a panel discussion called “Building Your Brand, Growing Your Business” to help female lawyers develop more authentic business relationships. Attendees were encouraged to cultivate new connections in a way that is unique to and comfortable for them.

Panelists included committee co-chair and partner Jamie Kocis and Kramer Levin partners Amy Caton, Eliza Kaiser and Eileen Patt, who shared personal insights, experiences and practical steps on building relationships, inspiring confidence and delivering value. Kramer Levin Chief Marketing Officer Jennifer Manton moderated the panel.

Left to right on panel: Amy Caton, Jamie Kocis, Eliza Kaiser, Eileen Patt and Jennifer Manton

Mentoring Women: A Conversation With New York Times Best-Selling Author Meg Wolitzer

The firm hosted an evening of networking and inspiration for female lawyers, firm alumnae and clients with Meg Wolitzer, author of the New York Times best-selling novel The Female Persuasion. Attendees at the Nov. 29 event received a copy of Ms. Wolitzer’s book ― and one hour of Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias CLE credit.

Meg Wolitzer

Women’s Circle Events

Since early 2017, Women’s Circles at Kramer Levin have provided female lawyers with peer support and guidance on topics such as mentoring, career progression, business development and fostering community among themselves. This program supplements the firm’s mentor program and provides an avenue to improve and maintain relationships with other women of the firm. The second half of 2018 included a number of events, including a Peloton event, bocce in Bryant Park and a networking happy hour.